Michele Towne

Michele-TowneMichele Towne
Owner / Publisher Inviting Arkansas

Michele Towne reflects the character of her magazine Inviting Arkansas. She’s gracious, generous and independent with undeniable Southern hospitality that creates instant friends. She established Inviting Arkansas in 2002 with a vision to bring social, fashion and entertaining topics to interested Arkansans. For more than a decade, Inviting Arkansas remains the premier social magazine dedicated to showcasing the nonprofit community in Central Arkansas and the civic leadership that helps make it successful.

Throughout her tenure, Michele has enjoyed the privilege of meeting incredibly interesting and generous individuals. Inviting Arkansas continues its steadfast commitment of showcasing and celebrating the personal stories of our philanthropic community.

As a small business owner, she shares her live + love LOCAL philosophy with clients and friends and believes we’re stronger together rather than divided by differences. A generous heart is certainly something we can all share.

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